Mommy Book Reviews

Children's book reviews written by a mom (and not AI generated).

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‘Sharice’s Big Voice’ – The Inspiring Story of a Native American Congresswoman

Book Review: “Sharice’s Big Voice: A Native Kid Becomes a Congresswoman” by Sharice Davids and Nancy K. Mays

Age recommendation: 4 to 7 (though children of all ages can enjoy reading this with their families)

What Makes This One of the Best Children’s Books

Few books make readers want to burst out the door and change the world, but kids and adults alike will feel tremendously inspired by “Sharice’s Big Voice.” 

Witten by one of America’s first native American – and lesbian – congresswomen Sharice Davids, this book paints the numerous obstacles of Davids’ life and how she hurdled them with hard work and kindness, providing young readers with an empowering example of all they can achieve.

The number of Davids’ accomplishments she relays in this book are staggering. She put herself through college, including law school, and left a job at a prominent firm to work on a native reservation to help those in need to start their own businesses. Somehow finding time to become an expert in mixed martial arts, she went on to work at the White House. Then, upon noticing a lack of representation with the federal government, she launched a grassroots congressional campaign.

Throughout her portrayal of these achievements in the book, Davids emphasizes principles that have become resounding themes of her life. One is inclusivity and respect – she recalls learning that her mother was removed from her family and forced into an assimilation school, which taught Davids the importance of honoring all nationalities and beliefs. 

This is underscored when Davids mentions the doubters who tried to dissuade her from running for Congress because of her race, gender and sexuality.

Another of the book’s resounding messages is hard work. Davids makes it abundantly clear that nothing she achieved happened overnight, but over a lengthy time as the result of passion and a relentless work ethic. 

Empathy is still another principle she drives home. Davids describes that throughout her life, even in childhood, she learned the importance of listening to others in order to understand them.

Children will walk away from this book compelled to not only follow their dreams, but also to accept and support others, no matter what they look like or who they love.

How My Child Reacted to This Book

This story kept my preschool-age son engrossed on every page – and he was especially energized by the sections about Davies mastering martial arts. 

The book introduced him to a variety of new topics, like the role of Congress and the history of America’s treatment of Native Americans. He asked many questions, including what life on a reservation is like and why the Native Americans were forced to give up their languages and their cultures. 

He seemed enthusiastic about Davids’ accomplishments like winning her first mixed martial arts fight and winning an election, and I’m thrilled this book portrayed such a strong female role model.

Potential Conversations to Pair with This Book

Families can cover numerous topics after reading “Sharice’s Big Voice.’ 

They can review the role of congressmen and women in creating our country’s laws, and also discuss the history of Native Americans in our country. 

Families can also speak to kids about the many important themes in his book, like hard work, inclusivity and empathy, and ask kids to name different times we can apply all of these in our daily lives.