Mommy Book Reviews

Children's book reviews written by a mom (and not AI generated).

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‘The Smart Cookie’ – A Sweet Story of Building Confidence at School

Book Review: “The Smart Cookie” by Jory Johns and Pete Oswald

Recommended reading age: 4 to 8 (though kids of all ages can enjoy reading this with their families)

What Makes This One of the Best Children’s Books

I still vividly remember how much I dreaded gym class as a kid.

Every activity felt like a series of humiliations — fumbled balls, missed goals, jumbled limbs, and all with my classmates watching and (at least I imagined) rolling their eyes.

I dearly wish I could have read Jory John‘s confidence-instilling book “The Smart Cookie” back then, to help me find a sweeter side to the situation.

Even with this heartening book told from the perspective of a sprinkled sugar cookie, children struggling with any aspects of school will relate to the dessert’s journey, in which it progresses from flailing in class to discovering a talent that fully bakes its self-esteem.

When readers first meet this doe-eyed cookie, it takes no pleasure in going to school. It fears answering questions. It makes many mistakes. Each error further undermines its morale, making it (literally) crumble in front of its class.

The cookie even lies awake at night, wracked with anxiety about what the next school day will bring.

But a new assignment to create something original leads this dessert to a delicious epiphany.

The cookie brainstorms an idea for a poem, relishes the writing process and thoroughly captivates its classmates with its words, even earning the teacher’s praise. Invigorated, the cookie suddenly finds itself more self-assured and eager in class.

This book can serve as a tremendous morale booster for kids.

In the course of the cookie’s transformation, the story offers an encouraging reminder that no one excels at everything, and that it’s important for people to try lots of different things to discover what gives them a sugar rush in life.

This book can also help relieve kids’ stress. The story urges readers to enjoy trying new things – and that once they find a talent, to embrace it, in order to boost their confidence overall.

Pete Oswald‘s vibrant and imaginative illustrations make the story all the more captivating. And with a bevy of bakery puns scattered throughout the book, well, that’s just icing on the cookie.

How My Child Reacted to This Book

My son in preschool savored the many deliciously fun moments on every page.

He laughed aloud at many of the cookie’s predicaments, like its attempted dessert that explodes, and its botched sculpture project. He especially giggled over all the cookies living squished together in an overcrowded jar.

As he grows older and enters elementary school, I expect the book’s lessons about finding confidence in school will become more important to him, and hopefully help him to conquer any anxiety in the classroom.

Potential Conversations to Pair with This Book

“The Smart Cookie” provides an opportunity for families to ask their kids about any challenges they might face, whether in school or any other aspect of their lives.

They can discuss possible options for conquering these challenges, and families can also remind kids about their talents, to help boost their confidence.

As the cookie dives into experimenting with many new activities in this book, families can also chat with kids about any new skills they might want to try learning, to discover what they enjoy doing best.

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